Wednesday, September 11, 2019

XIII C: Role of Mathematics behind amazing patterns of spots and stripes in nature. nature.

XIII C: Role of Mathematics behind amazing patterns of spots and stripes in nature.
            [Contd. A Journey to the Wonderland of Ajay Kumar Chaudhuri.]
            "The most beautiful gift of nature is that it gives one pleasure to look around and try to comprehend what we see."-------Albert Einstein.           

Two spectacular patterns we find abundantly in the natural world are Spots and Stripes. Let us look at the leopards, ladybird (a species of beetles with bright colour and dotted wings), guinea fowls, some woodpeckers, owls, and so many creatures which are spotted whereas zebras, tigers, western bongo, an antelope with spiral horns, hyenas, tiger, spider etc. which are striped.

These patterns have many explanations and of late biology is undergoing a renaissance as scientists apply mathematical ideas to old theories.
These patterns have an evolutionary explanation: they have functions which increase the chances that youngsters of the patterned animals will survive to reproduce. One function of animal patterns is camouflage, for instance, a leopard, that is inconspicuous to its prey catches more prey than other hunting animals.  Another functioning is self-defense, for instance, a ladybird is likely to be attacked by predatory birds that hunt by sight. If it has bold warning colours, and is also distastefully bitter or poisonous or mimics other distasteful insects, a young bird may see a warning patterned insect like ladybird and try to eat it, but it will only do this only once; very soon it will spit out the bitter insect; the other ladybirds will remain unmolested. The young leopards and lady birds inheriting genes that somehow create spottedness, survive. But while these evolutionary and functional arguments explain why these animals need their patterns, they do not explain how the patterns formed.
Now let us look for an explanation, how these patterns are formed by application of mathematics to biology or in other word by “biomathematics”, a new branch of science.
Biology essentially deals with plants, animals and insects, but five great revolutions have changed the way of thinking about life. The invention of microscope, the systematic classification of our planet’s living creatures, evolution, the discovery of the structure of DNA* and the Gene**. Now, a sixth is on its way ---- mathematics.
Mathematics has played a leading role in the physical sciences for centuries, but in the Life Sciences it has little role to play and not used as a routine tool for analysing data. However, it is moving towards centre stage, providing new understanding of the complex processes of life.
The ideas of math involved here are varied and novel; they range from pattern formation to chaos theory. The chaos theory is actually a branch of mathematics that deals with the complex systems whose behavior is highly sensitive to slight changes in conditions, so that small alterations can give rise to strikingly great consequences. These ideas are helping us to understand not just what life is made from, but how it works, on every scale from molecules to entire planet--- and possibly beyond.
[*DNA : The full form is : Deoxyribonucleic acid. It is the molecule that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses.
**Gene : A gene is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. Genes, which are made up of DNA, act as instructions to make molecules called proteins in humans. Genes vary in sizes from a few hundred DNA bases to move than two million bases. The Human Genome Project has estimated that humans have between 20,000 and 25,000 genes. Every person has two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent.]
The biggest revolution in modern biology was the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA, which turned genetics into a branch of  chemistry, centred on a creature’s genes – sequences of DNA code that specify the protein from which the gene is made . But when attention shifted what gene do in an organism, the true depth of the pattern of life aggravate. Listing the proteins that make up a living being, say a cat, does not tell us everything we want to know about cats.
A creature’s genome (a complete set of genes) is fundamental to its form and behavior, but the information in genome no more tells us everything about the creature than a list of components tells us how to build furniture from its pieces packed flat in the box. What matters is how those components are used, the processes that they undergo in a living creature. And the best tool we possess for finding out what process do is mathematics. The resulting discipline of biomathematics can play an important role in explaining animal markings such as spots and stripes.
Painters and writer have long been captivated by the extraordinary beauty of wild creatures, particularly, with their spots and stripes. Who fail to be moved by the power and elegance of a Royal Bengal Tiger, the ponderous bulk of an elephant, the haughty poise of a giraffe, or artistic stripes of a Zebra? Yes each of these animals began life as a single cell, a fusion of sperm and egg. But do you squeeze an elephant into a cell?
When the paradigm of DNA as information was at its height, the answer seemed simple. The answer is you can’t squeeze an elephant in to a cell but what you can cram into an egg is the information required to make an elephant. It is astonishing that lots of molecular information can fit inside a cell. However an elephant has many more cells than its DNA constituent units, and they have to be assembled in the right way. An accurate cell by cell map of an elephant would never fit into its DNA. So there must be something else going on.
The secret of animal markings was first cracked by Alan Turing (1912 – 1954), a pioneer British Computer Scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was celebrated for helping to crack the Enigma code* during the second world war (1st Sept. 1939 to 2nd Sept.1945) and for pinning down the limitations of computers. In 1952 he suggested that a biochemical process produces something known as “pre-pattern” in developing embryo, which is later expressed as the real-life pattern of protein pigments, such as the melanin (pigment that gives human skin, hair, eyes their colour. Dark Skinned people have more melanin in their skin than light skinned people have).
*[Enigma code: During Second World War, Germans believed that its secret codes for radio messages were indecipherable to the enemy, Allies. But the meticulous work of code breaker based at Bletchley Park, England, cracked the secret of German wartime communication and played such an important role in the final defeat of Germans that the then British Prime Minister told to the king George VI, that “It was thank to ULTRA that we won the war”, ULTRA being the code name at information obtained from such high level German sources.
The Enigma story began in 1920s when the German using an ‘Enigma’ machine, invented by the German engineer Arthur Scherbius at the end of World War-I (July 28, 1911 to 11th November,1918), developed for business market began to communicate in unintelligible coded messages (ULTRA),]
But how does the pre-pattern form? Turing thought it arose through a series of reactions among molecules that he called morphogen which may be termed as “form – generators”. At each point on the part of the embryo that eventually becomes the skin, morphogens react together to create other molecules.
Simultaneously, these molecules and their reaction products also defuse from cell to cell through the relevant regions of the embryo.  It is this process that leads to the creation of pre-patterning chemical information that tells the cells where to put pigment as they develop, like invisible writing. As embryo grows, the physical pattern appears.
There are evidences that mathematics has a role to play here. The way this process unfolds can be formulated as a system of mathematical equations. The most important result to emerge from Turing’s equations is that to emerge combination of reaction and diffusion in any particular animal can create striking patterns: spots, stripes, or more complex markings.
Turing’s specific model is to be too simple to explain many details of animal markings, but it has many important features in a simple context and lead to more realistic theories.
The word “pattern” does not imply regularity and should follow mathematical rules. Many sea shell patterns are complex and irregular. These shells because of their bright colours, rich variety of shades and designs attracted us most and collecting them from sea shore is a great hobby for many of us. Cone shells or cone snails have more than 600 species and found abundantly along the sea shore. But be careful in collecting them, for some are very deadly. Now look at their patterns : they are almost of conical shape and that seems to be random collections of triangles of various sizes, yet it turns out that patterns of this kind are common in Turing – like equations. In fact, they are fractals, a complex type of geometric structure brought to our notice by Benoit Mandelbrot in 1970s, which we have found earlier in fractal patterns.
Here we see some spectacular pictures of dots and stripes on some animal bodies:
 dots on a plain grey Guinea Fowl [Pic. No. 16a], beautiful spots on a Cheetah [Pic. No.16b], Spotted Hyenas [Pic. No. 16c], Spotted Deer [Pic. No. 16d], Spots on majestic Giraffe [Pic. No. 16e], the bright beautiful stripes on the predator Tiger and the prey Zebra [Pic. No.16f(i) and(ii) respectively], the dazzling stripes on fishes [Pic. No. 16g].

                                                        Dots on a grey Guinea Fowl.
                                                                Spots on a Cheetah.

                                                                       A spotted Hyena.                         


                                                           A spotted Deer.
                                                                Spots on the Giraffe.
                                                           Strip on the (predator) Tiger.
                                                    Stripes on the (prey) Zebra.
                                                        Dazzling stripes on a fish.

We have seen many beautiful stripes on canvas of the skins of many animals but do not know that these stripes are sometimes not stationary and may move over bodies of some of them. Turing’s equations contained an astonishing prediction of it.
In 1995, the Japanese Scientists Shigeru Kondo and Rihito Asai applied Turing’s equations to the beautiful tropical angelfish Pomacanthus, a genus of it, which displays striking yellow and purple stripes. Turing’s model made a surprising prediction the stripes of the angelfish move along its body, which is not the case for an adult Zebra whose stripes are fixed.
Though it seemed unlikely, yet they observed and photographed specimens of the angelfish for a period of several months and found the stripes slowly migrated across its surface. Moreover, defects in the pattern of otherwise regular stripes broke up and reformed exactly as Turing’s equations predicted. The cause behind this phenomenon of drifting of stripes is that the pigment proteins leaked from cell, drifting from fish’s tail towards its head. This does not happen in animal whose stripes are fixed. Maths can predict whether its markings will move, if the size of the animals and other factors are known.
                  Reference: Internet     
                                    All the images in this article are  from Public Domain.
                                                                                                                            [To continue]


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